Where do I even start? Do I talk about everything you are doing and learning? Do I start with how much joy you bring to my life? So much has happened in the last year, Its hard to believe you have been here for 2 whole years now. Being a mom to YOU is the best! You are such a blessing to me. You've grown and changed so much! You went from being a baby to a big toddler! You have a mind of your own and definitely know what you like and don't like. From day one your dad I have always said how feisty you are. Dad says you get it from me. And although I disagree with him, he's right. You take after your mom. haha! Even though you and your dad are twins, I feel like your personality is about 85% me.
You have learned so much this year. You are starting to talk so much. My favorite is how you say seboo for please haha. I will never understand it, but it is so funny and people can't get enough of it. I also love that when you are leaving or if someone else is leaving you will say, "bye, see you." You love to read books and skip ahead to your favorite pages. You love to try and get us to read you one more book before bed so you don't have to go to bed. Haha. You LOVE to dance!! When ever music comes on you run up to me and say seeny (dancing) and want me to twirl you, and you love dresses because they "twirl." haha. Your all time favorite thing right now is your chapstick. You put all of it in your purse, then take them out one by one and then put them on, then put them back in your purse and then do it all over again, and you literally do this ALL day. haha you LOVE it. Their has been many tears shed over me having to take your chapstick away. When asked what your favorite color is you say, "its pink!" You love princesses, but your favorite is Belle. You love your Belle dress, and when I ask who you want to sleep with at night you always say Belle.
You are VERY reserved and it takes you awhile to warm up to people you aren't familiar with (even sometimes ones you are familiar with haha). But once you warm up you defeintly light up the room and continue to put a smile on the faces of everyone around you. We've decided you have a soft spot for boys, and you have really warmed up to your cousin Mckay. You think he is so awesome and get the biggest smile on your face when you see him. You also adore you cousin Reese. You think she is hilarious and you love to follow her around and do whatever she is doing.
I have loved watching the relationship between you and your dad grow. For a long time you were all about me. But it's almost getting close to being pretty even. As soon as you wake up you always say, "daddy?" You always find the picture of you two on the nightstand and carry it around and say, "my daddy!" You love to pretend talk on the phone and you will say, "hello daddy? Hi daddy." It is so cute!! You get so excited when he comes home from work and will run around saying, "daddy home!" Then you literally follow him around the entire night, even getting in the shower with him or waiting at the bathroom door and knocking if he's taking to long. Haha! You definitely love your dad.. but I still think im in first place. Haha!!
Well I could go on and on about all the things I have learned to love about you this year, but I'll end by saying how thankful and blessed I am to be your mom. Today on your birthday I hope you are able to feel every ounce of love that surrounds you and I can't wait to enjoy this next year of adventures with you!
Love, mom
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