Stadium of Fire

it has turned into a family tradition to do the freedom run in provo. normally i would do the 10k with my dad & sister, but matt would only do it if we did the 5k so i i agreed, well matt ditched out last minute (lame) so my mom did it with me. she didn't want to run so we walked the whole thing, and i had no problem with that. haha it was so hot and muggy i was sweating just walking.

after the race i drove up to park city to spend the day with matt's family. the fourth is matt's dads birthday so they got a hotel room at westgate. it was soo nice & big and even had a hot tub on the balcony! we went to the outlets, the alpine slide, and did lots of relaxing. i love spending time with matt's family, they are always so much fun and are always making me laugh.
(yup he's the cutest)

Isaac loved posing for the camera

waiting to go on the alpine coaster. matt loved the coaster, he was giggling the whole time! it was so funny! haha

getting ready to go down the alpine slide

Christian after a long day haha i kept waiting for him to fall over